Sunday, November 17, 2019

Give And Take

Finally I had some news to share with my daughter when she called yesterday.  She's the one out there in the world, working, going places and doing things.  I'm the dud who doesn't do s'much.  However, yesterday I was excited to announce the prospect of a new deck, and she was as happy as I about it.  Deb had seen the gradual deterioration of the wood and had warned me about going out there.  (Contrary to public opinion, I do listen to good advice.)

In the course of the conversation, I also mentioned that Missy, the little barn cat, had made an appearance on the deck and how feeding her there would make life easier.  Then the thought hit me.  Here I am giving her food out there and this week the deck will be taken away.  How's that for a dirty trick?!

I'm very good about planning the work for the day (I'm going to do this and this and then that and that), but lousy about execution.  Sometimes the enormity of the job (like clearing the deck) stuns me into immobility.  I got as far yesterday as calling Harold the Ironmonger to see if he would still take scrap metal.  He would, but Harold is older than I and no longer comes to collect the stuff so I'll have to figure a way to get it down to Plymouth to him.  I'm in desperate need of a new Helper Dude.  Doggone that kid for growing up, getting married, and moving away!

The temperature was dropping as fast as the sun last evening.  When Michael and I were done with our walk, I seriously considered lighting a fire, but decided I could make do with a hoodie (yes, with the hood up in the house) and the heated bean bag.  Throw a couple of cats on the lap and we were all good.  The time to put Stove to work is coming.

Yesterday I could use the cooking shows as an excuse not to start on the deck.  That will have been taken away today.  Nothing for it but to gird up and get 'er done.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Hope you gotter done. Oh, and it was 80 degrees here today and closer to 90 inland! Sheesh.