Friday, November 22, 2019

Ferris And Me

The only thing I have in common with Ferris Bueller is, you guessed it (Ferris Bueller's Day Off - 1986 - Matthew Broderick), I hit the brakes on the merry-go-round yesterday and spent the entire day doing nothing.  With all that had been accomplished in the last week, I didn't have even a tiny twinge of guilt and it wouldn't have mattered if I had.  Ferris had a pretty wild time on his day off; it would have taken dynamite to get me out of my chair on mine.

Mike came by in the afternoon to drop off the first load of lumber, about half needed for the deck.  He plans to bring the rest today and maybe even get started on the tear down.  I hope he's not being too ambitious when he anticipates being done by Thanksgiving next Thursday.  To me, it seems almost insurmountable for one guy alone to get that done.  The most help I can give is to stay out of his way and bring him a cold beer after work.  That I can do.

Timing is everything.  Wouldn't you know, after this beautiful weather we've had, that Nature would throw a curve ball and a monkey wrench just before the holiday?  Rain and then snow are predicted for next week.  I mentioned that to Mike and he said he was waterproof.  I can only take him at his word.  Me?  I'm not looking forward to driving on Thanksgiving, but at least the Kids won't have to come so far up the hill this year.

Arden is coming over today.  It's become a weekly ritual, and a day to look forward to.  Since so much was accomplished in anticipation of the blackout, I'm going to take another day off.  So there!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Sounds like your days off are well earned. Have fun!