Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Out Like A Lion

An old adage says that if March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.  November seems to be the reverse.  Other than the one day of wind (when the power was cut for six days), this has been a pretty mild month...until yesterday.  The morning was sunny, but brisk.  Mike showed up early to work (I was dressed) and got right to it.  Michael didn't dawdle on our walk.  Even though the sun felt good, we were glad to get back to the house.  The wind picked up and the clouds closed in.  Along about noon, I wussed out and lit a fire.  I also hauled four wagons of wood to the porch (boy, I'm feeling that today).  If the weatherman is correct, we're in for more than a week of this weather.  As much as I'm going to miss seeing the Kids, I'm glad nobody is going to be driving tomorrow.

It being trash day, I gathered up my stuff early and headed out with Michael.  Michael had other plans and took off down the drive.  Ratchafratch!  It was too cold to stay outside so I sat in the truck to wait for the wanderer. (Power blipped off just long enough for me to feel my way down the hall to retrieve the lantern.  Sure glad it came back on.)  Anyhow, I was surprised to see Neighbor Joe drive up and even more when Michael jumped out.  Joe had been going for mail when he saw my runaway and brought him home.  I'm glad I'd introduced the two.  I put my miscreant in the house and took the trash to the road.  Michael had already had his truck ride.

The wind picked up and along about three o'clock the first snow started flying.  Mike just kept working.  He said it wasn't bad enough to stop him.  Brrr!  He worked for another hour and then stored his tools on the porch and went home to thaw out.  He said he'd be back today.  We'll see.

Power just blipped out again.  Evidently this "lion" likes to play in the dark.  Sure glad I don't/won't have a turkey in the oven.  Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

HAPPY (almost) THANKSGIVING. Wow you are on a roller coaster. Crossing my fingers that your power stays on and the Mike came today and that Michael didn't do a disappearing act!