Wednesday, November 6, 2019


I've always believed in quality over quantity in all things, including friends, and I've got some good ones.  I received a notice from the post office that said I had a package waiting.  It had to wait because our little country PO is closed on the weekends and shuts down every week day from 1 to 2.  (Remember when "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night..." was the Postal Service motto?)  I finally got the timing right and went up the road yesterday to find a care package from Kathy V.  Wow!  There was a pack of battery-operated night lights, several packets of one-serving coffee (perfect for the Melitta that Kit had sent), and a bathtub stopper.  That last was because when we got notice that the power was going to be cut off, Kathy had told me to fill the bathtub so I'd have enough water to at least flush.  I didn't follow her directions because all I had was one of those old-time flat rubber thingies that would let the water seep out.  This new one is fitted and will certainly do the job next time, and sure as shootin' there will be a next time.  In addition, there was a helping of, for lack of a real name, homemade donut holes.  I was pretty sure they wouldn't keep, so I ate 'em, and they were delicious.  I'm not quite ashamed to say the KitKat bars went the same way.  (Hey, I didn't ask what you had for dinner, did I?)  Kathy and Kit certainly put the Care in their care packages, and I'm grateful for the goodies and their friendship.

Michael and I got the trash down to the big road last evening.  He does like to ride in the truck, although I don't understand why.  Unlike prior dogs, Michael does not ride shotgun so he can look out.  He, unbidden, tucks himself on the floor behind my seat and pretty much stays there.  To each his own, I guess.

He'll get another ride today.  I took a big gulp yesterday when I looked at the gas gauge and saw it was teetering toward empty.  I almost never let that happen, but guess I'd been leaving home more than usual and hadn't paid attention.  Nice Lady at Mt. Aukum has Michael spoiled.  When we were in town the other day, he was looking for treats in each little shop we were in and was disappointed when none were forthcoming.  He'll be happy today.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Ah Kathy V, how GREAT!! I love the ripples of friendship...I came to you via a relative-by-marriage...who came to you from a long-ago school roommate relationship. And then Kathy V came to you because I had met her through our mutual friend, and I sent her your way because you were both "goat ladies," and Tinka came to you because...well...she became an aunt at 5, the day I was born!'s a good thing for ALL of us that you went to that high school back in the day! Oh, and purely by coincidence, Kathy V was childhood friends with the daughter (who is also in the neighborhood) of my next door neighbor, and yet we live 300 miles apart. So YAY for the circle of friendships!!