Friday, November 15, 2019

Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast

On our morning walk, I was admiring the driveway and Michael was cussing under his breath at that doggone Dozer who had the effrontery to leave his mark(s) on Michael's turf.  Neither one of us were paying much attention to anything else so we were both startled when three deer leapt the fence out of the old garden.  I don't know what they find to eat in there.  I haven't planted a garden for years.  I'm not complaining.  It's better than when they'd break into the feed barn and tear into the alfalfa for breakfast.

Back inside, out of the corner of my eye I caught movement on the deck.  It was Missy!  She was evidently dissatisfied with the service in this establishment and came looking for breakfast on her own.  I don't know how Michael would react to a kitty not his own, but since he's mainly on a leash I thought it might be safe to take a bowl of kibble out to this little waif, leaving Michael in the house.  (Looking at this photo, I realize that Missy and Michael have almost identical coloring.)  After a pet, purr, and crunch, I used the bowl to entice the little cat around the deck to the covered, more protected area.  It would certainly be easier to feed her up here than having to make the trek down to the barn.

There is the possibility of a problem with that plan, however.  I've written before about the huge Siamese cat that the prior owners of this house just abandoned as they drove away.  "Hey, you forgot your cat!"  "Oh, just don't feed him for three days and he'll go away."  I don't understand how people can do that.  Anyhow, I wasn't about to let the creature starve, so I put out food for him on the deck.  He was fine with that and lived out his years with us.  The problem arose when the raccoons discovered the serve-yourself buffet and came on a regular basis.  They would wash each bite in the water dish, and were pretty messy.  I haven't seen a raccoon here for years, so maybe it will be okay.

It wasn't just breakfast company that came yesterday.  Sound asleep for my midday nap, I was startled awake to find someone right at my front door.  "Arden, it's Thursday!"  "No it's not, it's Friday."  Obviously, I'm not the only one who doesn't check the calendar.  What's a day or two between friends.  We got her laundry done and watched the news.  Today is Friday, right?  Just checking.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yep, today is Friday :-) Tinka feeds her garage cats (as opposed to her barn cat) in the back of the small pick up truck, BUT she puts the bowl away at night just in case the raccoons decide to help themselves.