Monday, January 27, 2020

Baby Steps

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  (Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher.)

See it-Do it was a good thought, but it was too easy to shut my eyes so I didn't see it, whatever "it" might be.  I've gotten so good at procrastination it is now a lifestyle, and it (I) must change.  To quote William Ernest Henley, "I am the master of my fate" (Invictus,  1875), and I need to take command here.  There was no sense charging headlong into the project like the Light Brigade (1854, Alfred, Lord Tennyson), so yesterday's journey into adulthood began with baby steps.  Not everything got done (don't be silly!), but I made a start, and have a plan to continue today.  I'll call that progress, albeit slow.

I also need to do a re-think on leaving home.  Michael really enjoys going to town, and that's contagious.  Who rescued whom here?  Today's trip to the grocery store won't be as much fun because he's not allowed to go there, but go I must because I'm out of cat litter.  There are some things I can do without.  Cat litter is not one of them.

It was still misty and drizzling on our first walk of the day and we double-timed it back to the house.  The sun came out, the sky turned blue, and Michael and I actually went for three more walks later on.  I know what you're thinking.  No, I was not putting off doing another chore, it was just nice to be outside.  Camille even called to tell me that dry days are predicted for the whole week, giving hope that Mike might finish the deck.

In the spirit of turning over a new leaf, things to do, places to go!

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