Friday, January 3, 2020

Welcome Sight

Whew, what a day!  Sundown was a welcome sight, for sure.  I'm not a runner, never have been, but felt like I'd been in a day-long marathon when it was over.  Nothing other than going to town was stressful, but I'm used to going at my own slow pace and yesterday I was on a tight time schedule.  Aarrgh!

Worried about being late to meet Linda, I got there first, but only because the road workers were taking an early lunch break and didn't hold up traffic on our two-lane roads.  It was nice to spend time with my friend again and have a leisurely conversation over my KFC Kids Meal.

We both had places to go, things to do, so we parted ways and went about our business.  I had just enough time to squeeze in a quick visit to Wally World to get the cat food without which the cats would not have left me back in the house.  They were down to the last crumble and were not shy about telling me that they were not happy.  Even Missy was prowling the deck and pointing at her nearly empty dish.

The next stop was at the doctor's office and I made it just in time.  She decided my medication needed tweaking, but wanted blood work to be sure.  Okay, she sent me to the hospital which was across town to have it drawn, where they said the lab was too busy and to go to the outpatient lab.  Double aarrgh.  I seem to haunt the Vampire Halls these days.

Mission(s) accomplished after the delays, I was nutso to get home before dark.  Poor Michael had been left in the house for hours and I was sure his back teeth were floating.  Let's just say he was glad to see me, as were the cats for a different reason.  Michael and I went for a quick-step walk as the sun and the temperature were dropping.  The view from the porch was such a welcome sight before going in the house, shutting the door, and collapsing in my waiting chair.  Whew.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Gorgeous sunset. Glad you got all those things done so you can stay home for a while...I hope.