Saturday, January 4, 2020

Days Of Our Lives

(It seems I'm hung up on soap operas I've never seen.  Days Of Our Lives began in 1965 and, believe it or not, it's still going.  Gonna try hard to stay away from General Hospital.)

The days of my life have two speeds, fast forward and near stop.  I had no intention of napping yesterday, knowing Arden was coming.  She woke me up when she got here.  C'est la vie.  After the day before, I make no apologies.

I finally managed to download the photo of the Christmas Clan.  The big dude impersonating Santa is Dave.  Next to him are my two sons from other mothers, Clay and Craig.  Jester is Dave's buddy and a welcome holiday visitor.  Deb got into the frame just as her camera clicked.  I'm that midget in the middle.  Trust me, I'm not that short, but I look like one of Santa's elves next to the clan.  My two sons not present are nearly as tall as Dave.  (Click on the picture for a better look at those smiling faces.)

Shuffling out to the kitchen this morning I started the coffee and then checked the food bowls.  Ralph, Celeste and Michael were fine, but Missy was mewling out on the deck in the dark.  Her bowl was empty and she was letting me know it.  It seems the inside and outside cats are never the twain to meet.  Ralph, inside, was growling big time and then hit the glass door hard just to make his point.  Missy paid him no nevermind and set about eating her breakfast.

Yesterday, indeed most of this week, was beautiful.  This morning I hear the wind howling outside and I guess we're for it again.  The repairman is due this morning, if he chooses to brave the weather.  Here's hoping.  I'm running out of socks.


Emmy said...

Nice picture
Good to see those who were just names before.

And now rain or no rain..if only the weatherman could make up his mind.

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh you MISSED the perfect Soap Opera for this...ALL MY CHILDREN!!!!