Sunday, January 5, 2020

What Day Is It?

I feel like that camel in the commercial who goes through the office asking, "What day is it?!"  I still don't have a calendar.  Just to add to my general confusion, my daughter called this morning, and it's not Saturday.  I know it's not Saturday because the repairman came yesterday, so yesterday was Saturday.  Oh well.

I am so very glad I called for the repairman instead of going ahead and shopping for a new washing machine, as I'd thought.  He wasn't here a half hour, put in one little part, and was gone, and it was a tiny fraction of what a new washer would have cost.  I did several (overdue) loads of laundry and that spurred me to get going on some other neglected chores.

Michael is doing a very good job of training me.  After a walk, he knows he'll gets a treat.  I know this because he will sit expectantly by the door and wait.  "Oh, I'm sorry, Michael.  I forgot," and I hurry to get one of several kinds on hand.  That stimulates his appetite and he has a bite of breakfast, after which he comes to sit in front of my chair.  "And what do you want, Mr. Bright Eyes?"  He moves closer to me and looks pointedly at my pocket, the pocket where I keep little milk bones.  If I'm slow on the uptake, he lifts a forepaw to shake.  (And I thought I was training him.)  "Okay, kiddo, here."  He stands up and then does "sit."  Another treat.  And he waits.  He waits for the third treat just for being a good boy, which he gets and then goes away.  It's nice to know I'm still trainable.

The rain that threatened yesterday did not materialize and it turned out to be a lovely day, and it looks like today is going to be a repeat.  That means I can wash the couch slipcover and hang it on the line to dry.  Until I had company last week and they sat there and got up covered in cat hair, I didn't realize it had gotten so bad.  I don't sit there, after all.

This burst of ambition may not last, so I'd best take advantage while it's here.  Hmmm, I'm pretty sure it's Sunday.  Isn't that supposed to be a day of rest?  Get thee behind me, I've got things to do!

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