Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I was watching the morning news...and then I wasn't.  The power had gone out.  Rather than sit and contemplate the day's possibilities which, without electricity or water, left dusting (gah!), I took Michael for a walk.  PG&E said the problem should be fixed by one o'clock, so that wasn't too bad.  I get a kick out of their recorded message, which tells me that I can check progress by going online at any time.  How'm I supposed to do that without electricity?

Tinka called and we were chatting when, ta da!, the power came back on!  It had only been out for a couple of hours.  Compared to some of the days-long outages, this was nothing but a blip.

Lonesome Lulu seems to be coping with solitude.  I don't know whether she misses Rotten Stanley or if she is glad to see the last of that tyrant.  She looks forward to breakfast, and now talks to me when I enter her pen, which she never did before.

There is a strong wind blowing this morning, but it seems to come in spurts rather than constantly beating against the house.  I can't say I'm looking forward to taking Michael out later, but if it doesn't get any worse, it's doable.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Poor old Lulu...too bad she can't "free-range" in the house (I know...a bit messy, even if the gang would accept her). Glad your blip did not last longer.