Monday, January 20, 2020

Needs Must

Procrastination is an art and takes time to perfect.  I've been at it for a long while now and I'm getting pretty good at it, if I do say so myself, but there's always room for improvement.  Having successfully put off going to town for four or five days, necessity demanded that Michael and I go yesterday.  Rather than rush into it, I managed to dawdle until after noon.  That turned out to be a good thing, because Mike, the deck dude, showed up out of the blue.  He'd been doing a lot of work for Camille and then took off for a vacation in Las Vegas.  The wet, windy weather of late would have prevented sealing the deck until now, so I wasn't worried.  I am, however, very glad he's back.  With deck furniture, pots and planters of all sizes, and a lot of et cetera piled here and there and blown about by the gales, this place was looking like a homeless encampment and I'll be so very glad to get back to normal (that's a relative term if ever there was).  Weather permitting, Mike plans to finish the job today.  Yay!  I'll be so happy to pull the lawn chair out of the juniper bushes where it had become firmly wedged during one of the big blows.

Mike left and took my last excuse with him.  Michael gets so excited, as excited as Michael gets, when I pull his official ESA jacket out.  Michael likes going to town.  There are all those wonderful sniff-and-piddle spots, and he's really good at making friends wherever we go.  People are drawn to him, I think, because of his exceptional good looks and calm demeanor.  There is simply no aggression in this boy.

I'm happy to be known now as Michael's chauffeur, much as I'd rather not drive to town.  Needs must.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

That is SO funny that Michael doesn't play, but he DOES love to go to town and socialize!!