Monday, January 6, 2020


Yup, I'm pretty sure it's Monday.  I'm reassured because Dave and I watched the Vikings narrowly beat the Saints (woohoo!) on Sunday football yesterday.  We often do this when the Vikings play, texting messages of exhilaration or commiseration during the game.  It's more fun to watch with someone.

There was a song we sang when I was a Girl Scout (ohmigosh, that was a long, long time ago) that said "Monday's wash day...."  This week, wash day was Saturday, and Sunday, and there's enough left over for Monday, too.  I did wash the slipcover for the couch, but had a spot of trouble putting it back on.  It's like a Chinese puzzle.  I'll try again today.

Deb and Craig gave everyone slippers this year.  Instead of plaid, the boys' were patterned with pizza and burgers.  I put mine on last night for the first time.  So soft and warm!  Years ago Steve gave me sheepskin slippers with the fleece inside.  They won't wear out, but the fleece is gone and they are well past warm.

The vultures have returned from vacation.  Yesterday they lined not only the goat pen, but another fifteen or so were perched on what is left of the fence by the front pasture.  The raucous crows have also come back in numbers.  Vultures are silent, crows are anything but.

Missy is becoming bold.  She walks the deck with a sense of impunity, peering in and driving the house cats crazy.  Yesterday Michael and I were ready to come back into the house when he stopped.  There was Missy nose to nose with Michael on the front porch!  It's a good thing he's the calm dog that he is or there could have been a real brouhaha.  It didn't hurt that he was still on the leash.

It was another beautiful day for our walks.  Hard to believe that snow is predicted for next weekend.  Nature isn't through with us yet, it seems.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

We had mid 70s today...weird, but warm. I love the slippers.