Monday, January 13, 2020

Snug Bug

My timing was off yesterday, par for the course anymore.  There is a news show I watch on Sunday mornings, putting it on DVR so I can pretend to attend to business.  Making the mistake of watching it live meant I was late taking Michael for his first walk of the day, and it all went downhill from there.

Do I go to the grocery store today, or can it wait?  Hmmm.  I'd asked myself that question on Friday and still hadn't gone (never do today what can be put off until tomorrow) so the situation was becoming critical, coffee and kitty litter being top priorities.  Okay, fine.

Do I light the fire before leaving?  Hmmm.  Stove needs attention when a fire's burning and I'm not comfortable leaving him unattended.  If I'd put Stove to work earlier, I could have shut the damper and he'd have kept the house critters warm without flames.  I took Michael for another walk, made my apologies, and left.

With snow looming, the store was busy, busy, busy with others preparing for being housebound, and shopping took much longer than usual.  I'd thought I was being so efficient by writing my list in the order of where items were together in the aisles, e.g., coffee, cocoa, and cider (winter necessities) so as not to waste time backtracking.  Yeah, well.

The sky was lowering when I got home and there was just enough time before dark to unload the truck and take Michael for his last walk of the day, but not enough to bring more wood to the porch.  Even though the temperature was plummeting, I'd have to make do with what was there.  As if Stove was aware of my plight, he was voracious as he gobbled up log after log to punish me.  Michael couldn't have curled up any tighter.  How's that for a guilt trip?  I tucked his blanket around him, he sighed and relaxed, snug as a bug in a rug.