Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Change Of Pace

I need to rethink my daily schedule...what I do and when I do it.  In winter, when daylight comes slowly, it's one thing to spend the early hours on the computer, writing the blog, checking FB, playing solitaire in the dark.  In summer, the sun gets up almost before I wake up and I find I'm losing what cool of the day there might be.  I waste more time watching the local morning news before taking Michael for our first walk.  By the time we're back, the heat is upon us and any incentive to do more is gone.  Old habits are hard to break, but this one needs to go.

I had a taste of home last night, sausage and hominy, a plain but very satisfying dish my mother used to make.  Most of the time Mother was adamant that everything served should be a different color, ensuring a good variety of food groups.  There were exceptions, sausage and hominy being one, German potato pancakes another.  On those nights we gorged on starch, as I did last night.  Steve would have been so happy.  Vegetables were definitely not his thing.  I asked him one night, insisting that he pick a green vegetable.  He gave it some thought.  "Spinach noodles."  Sometimes you just can't win.

If I'm going to keep my new resolution, I'd best get moving.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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