Thursday, June 18, 2020

Round Two

My cellphone went funky again yesterday for no good reason.  The thing is going to drive me bonkers.  I wasn't too worried because I had Deb's and Kit's instructions which I followed to the letter, but to no avail.  Ratchafratch!  Here we go in round two.

Stan, my BIL, had sent me a text in the morning (I can still get texts), saying that the wind was fierce down in the valley and remind me to fill the water buckets in case we lost power.  Good advice.  The wind never made it up the hill.

It's not a good thing when all my sets of bibbies needed washing at the same time.  I usually plan better than that.  I know I've said I'm not a fashionista, but yesterday was beyond the pale, even for me.  I threw the bibbies in the washer and dug out an old pair of sweatpants to go with a rather skimpy tank top.  I haven't worn the sweatpants since a time when I was much heavier.  The drawstring was in a knot, so not only did the pants balloon out like Bozo the Clown, I was in danger of losing the britches altogether.  I think Michael was embarrassed to be seen with me on our walks.  I know I was glad we live unseen on top of the hill.

George had also sent a most welcome text, saying that he planned on a visit here today.  I took care of some chores in preparation, but left cleaning the kitchen for this morning so it would look fresh, notwithstanding that we would stay on the porch.  It's been months since visitors have been allowed in the house.  Imagine my horror when I went to make coffee today and found, for the umpteenth time, that I had no water!  Since I still have electricity, that means there must be a break in the line somewhere.  Aarrgh!  When it becomes a reasonable hour, I'll put in a call to Go-To Guy and hope he can fit me in.

No water = no shower.  I was supposed to go to town later today to have blood drawn for tests, without which my doctor will not refill a prescription.  Not gonna happen.  George will just have to take me as is, with clean bibbies on a sweaty body.  Thank goodness for social distancing.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I had a neighbor visit today and she and her daughter both said that their phones went goofy for a day. I don't know if your phone went down that same rabbit hole. Hope it decides to work soon!!!