Saturday, June 20, 2020


All cats are quirky, but Ralph is in a class all his own.  When I call him Ralphie Boy, I hear Ed Norton (Art Carney) talking to Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason) in The Honeymooners (1955 TV comedy show).

(Slight delay here while I enjoyed my daughter's Saturday morning call, not helped because I slept in today.)

Back to the subject.  I've mentioned before how Ralph will race from one end of the house to the other, brrrp-brrrping as he goes, and how he will pounce on his sister, seemingly because she isn't paying attention to him.  He evidently has some sort of time clock now, because almost daily at 4:30 in the afternoon, he comes down the hall yelling.  What's up with that?  Missy has put him so on edge that he hisses at the sight of her.

Speaking of Missy, she has taken up residence on the covered part of the deck.  She does spend part of her day in the feed barn.  That must be where she catches her protein supplements.  I can't say it's pleasant to find the inedible parts that she leaves when I step out the door, but I am glad she's "taking care of business."

Celeste has limited patience.  She will ask nicely to sit on my lap and doesn't understand when I say I just need some "me time."  After a couple of rub-ups on my legs, she simply leaps up, disregarding my wishes.  A cat's gonna do what a cat's gonna do, and deal with it, lady.

Out of order for the Triple Crown, the Belmont Stakes is running today.  You know what I'll be doing.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

LOL...Ralph pouncing on his sister sounds like my grandson!!! LOL