Sunday, June 14, 2020

Outdoors And In

What was I thinking when I bemoaned the lack of flowers here?  I am proven wrong at every turn.  I didn't get a photo of the tiny purple mountain lilies growing wild along the drive.  They follow after the Baby Blue Eyes and come back every year, as does the yarrow.  This one plant is going to be spectacular when all those buds open up.  Over the top of the lavender, which, of course, bloomed, there is the tip of a flowering hedge in this photo.  Since I no longer climb ladders, this photinia is out of control and desperately needs trimming.  Michael and I avoid that path when the honey-scented flowers open because they draw bees by the hundreds.  The air fairly hums with their buzzing.  We know how Michael feels about insects with stingers.  The iris have put on their show and are done, but the grey and green santolinas are just coming into their own.  I lucked out when I planted them because they are one plant the deer didn't eat and the squirrels don't care for them, either.

Thank goodness for Michael and the pause button or I'd have been glued to my perch all day.  Instead of Saturday cooking shows, PBS was running a Downton Abbey marathon and I was hooked.  Mowing could wait another day.  Michael's outings could not.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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