Sunday, June 7, 2020

Tech Support

My daughter called and I was able to ask her advice about my "silent" cellphone.  She has a similar model.  I explained that I had checked all of the internal setting buttons and all was in order.  She asked about the three external side buttons.  ???  I knew they were there, but also knew nothing about them other than I hadn't changed anything.  Well, it seems that somehow I'd inadvertently touched one, the one that turned off sound.  The other two are volume control.  Under her guidance...ta da!  Once again I have clicks, buzzes, and rings.  I'll be careful in the future to keep my pattypaws off those buttons, but now I know how to rectify the situation if I goof up again.  Thank goodness for tech support.

Think I was kidding?  This is the "chubby" part of Michael's fluff.  The much larger chihuahua part was already in the bin.  The salt shaker is just there for perspective...wasn't planning on hot dogs for dinner.

I watched another Julia Child special yesterday.  As all chefs do, taste, taste, taste.  I'd like to think I helped all of my Kids become the excellent cooks they are because, as they were growing up and I was cooking, I'd turn to whichever was around and say, "Taste this and tell me what it needs."  I believe it helped hone their palate.

I also watched a great film for the umpteenth time, "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes" (1945, Margaret O'Brien, Edward G. Robinson, Agnes Moorehead).  The screenplay was written by Dalton Trumbo, he who suffered so at the hands of Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Committee in 1947.  It's a gentle tale of farm life in early Wisconsin.  Ms. O'Brien was her usual winsome self, and Mr. Robinson played an unusual role (for him) as her loving father.  There is a wonderful scene in which he takes his daughter to see a circus come through town.  It reminds me so of when my Kids were little.  We couldn't afford to take them to a performance, but did go to meet the train and see all the animals and performers come off and form a parade as they went to the circus grounds.  I wonder if they remember.

It was another chill and windy day.  I hope Michael didn't shed his winter coat too soon.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Glad to know that Deb was tech support. If you go back and check my comment from 2-3 days ago, I mentioned that, but there is also another suggestion, and you may not know how to access the screen that shows the volume with an icon, and also has the flashlight, etc.