Monday, June 15, 2020

Not For Me

Another day spent at Downton Abbey.  They showed the last of the series yesterday and I'm very glad I caught it because they evidently will not show Downton ever again.  There was a suitable wrap up in the finale, but I'm sorry it's over.  It's a good thing I didn't live in that era and lifestyle; I'd never have made it.  For one thing, the ladies were forever changing their clothes.  Morning frocks, then change for lunch, again if one was going out or having guests, and yet again for dinner, not counting if there was a party or dance later.  Dressmakers must have made a bundle and milliners were right in there, too.  Every outfit had a matching hat.  Every episode of Downton was like watching a fashion show.

I do have a collection of hats.  A few are vintage from my younger days, and a large number are from my time in the Red Hat Society.  I have cowboy hats, mostly straw, and one felt Stetson that I treasure.  I had a wool deerstalker hat bought in London, but the moths liked it and it's gone now.  There are baseball caps and warm knitted hats, and the felt fedora a la Raiders Of The Lost Ark.  Yep, I have a lot of hats.  The funny thing is I wear only a few, mostly in winter.

No, I'll never be a fashionista.  Haute couture is not for me.  It was fun to take a peek into that world, but give me a pair of bibbies and I'm good.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I wonder how much we would have put up with, had we lived in that time period. My daughter-in-law, who is 49, is astounded that we did not wear pants to school, but I don't EVER remember giving it a thought. I had school clothes that were dresses or jumpers and later skirts, and "play clothes," and then a few better clothes for church. I don't remember suffering one bit by not being able to wear pants to school, but since I never wear a dress or skirt now, I know it would have been easier on the playground and the bars with pants on. And I also don't remember ever thinking that it was a bother to change into play clothes. But you are right - the clothes of the Downton age were probably VERY constricting and hot at times, so I guess they could be compared to an underwire bra...of those I am VERY aware of the discomfort!