Saturday, June 27, 2020

Close Call

I'm not much of a one for going to or even calling a doctor, but I knew something was really wrong yesterday.  I will not go into symptoms, but I knew it would not be safe for me to drive, so put in a couple of phone calls.  When I received a return call from the GP's office, I was stunned.  "Doctor wants you to go to the ER immediately.  Doctor thinks you are severely dehydrated."  Oh crum.  I explained why that could not happen.  "Then I think we should call the EMTs and have them take you in."  Oh, no.  Not gonna happen.  Given the current circumstances, the hospital was the last place I'd want to be.  I promised to drink lots of water and hope for the best.  And no, contrary to what seems to be the consensus, I am not stubborn.

Honestly, I could have floated a battleship with all I drank, and slowly started to feel better.  Camille called, saying she was going shopping and did I need anything.  Good friend, good neighbor.  She also offered to bring me some dinner.  When I realized I hadn't eaten in three days, I said yes to that.  (See, I told you I'm not stubborn.)  Wonton soup seemed a good choice, and it was.

My daughter just called and said she and Craig are going to Costco and would be bringing up some supplies today.  I don't know where she gets it from, but it doesn't do to argue with Deb.

Michael got short shrift on our very brief walks yesterday.  We dodged the bullet, and I hope to do better by him today.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh my! I know what happened to may late ex when he got dehydrated during an illness. They I watched him "bloom" again as he was hydrated at a medical facility. Not good to get dehydrated...brain and body stops functioning correctly. Sink that battleship!!