Saturday, April 9, 2016

It Falleth From Heaven

T'wasn't mercy, but a warm, gentle rain that started falling from the skies yesterday afternoon.  The girls were not pleased, to say the least, as they dashed for shelter last night.  It's been awhile, so when I awoke in the middle of the night and heard dripping, my first thought was a leaky faucet.  Nope, just rain from the eaves.

Maybe the rain will keep the wasps dormant for a few days.  Out in the sunshine yesterday, I sprayed and knocked down ten brand new wasp nests from under the lip of the deck railing.  I've been so happy to see all the bees buzzing in the lilacs and rosemary bushes; wasps are an entirely different matter.  I've yet to discover any benefit derived from wasps and hornets.  They're just plain mean, as far as I can tell.  Warm weather brings them out in droves and I keep spray all around the deck to try to keep them in check.  I even have a poison-free spray down in the barn in case they show up there.  We have paper wasps and mud daubers and I don't like either one; I'm an equal-opportunity hater.

It's a good thing I got Fu up and running when I did.  This rain (it's still raining this morning) will cause the weeds/grasses to shoot up more and I got only the one yard mowed so far.  The milk is almost thick, it is so creamy at this time of year.  The girls are gorging on greenery in their pens, so much that I've been able to cut back on the breakfast alfalfa.  Any weeds pulled get thrown to the chickens.  Also, to paraphrase a George Jones song, "It's a good year for the roses."  Some in the pig pen garden are blooming already and the others are so green and healthy.  This rain is falling at just the right time for the roses and the peonies.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Your roses and peonies sound wonderful...and I have never figured out what good fleas and snails are either!