Thursday, April 28, 2016

This Close

It was a perfectly gorgeous morning, shining sun and blue skies.  Milking went well and I got the stalls cleaned in no time.  Bess really likes our daily routine of going out to sit on the deck when I get back to the house, even if she went to sit and watch while I'm in the barn.  It's "our" thing to do.  She's big on togetherness.  I had some business to attend to and phone calls to make.  Purse in hand, I was finally ready to go to the feed store.  In fact, Cam had called and I'd asked her if she needed anything because I was going to leave.  And then.  In a matter of seconds the sky went dark, there was thunder and lightning and hail, followed by a downpour.  I was this close, but obviously the trip for feed was cancelled.  Ratchafratch.

After months of waking in the dark, it's unsettling to open my eyes to light.  The sun is not yet up over the hills in the east, but it's definitely not dark and I get the feeling I'm late even at 5 a.m.  The days are definitely longer, sunset not until nearly 8.  It throws me off as I've been fixing my evening meal after putting the kids in for the night.  If I did that now, I'd be eating dinner in bed.

It will take another couple of days for the yards to dry so mowing has been put off again.  I almost got started yesterday.  I was this close.

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