Friday, April 15, 2016

The Award Goes To...

Sometimes buried in winter snow or gasping for water in blistering summer heat, these two little mini-roses surely win the award for longevity.  They came with me from the valley almost 19 years ago, and they'd been in my yard down there for at least five years or more then.  I'm certainly not the rosarian that my friend Tinka is, but I do love roses just the same.  These perky miniatures and the Cecile Brunner (also a small flower) out in the yard are just now bursting into blossom.  It's like greeting old friends each year.  So far, so good with the Tropicana that Deb and Craig gave me last year, the one the ground squirrels ate every flower.  It hasn't put out a rose yet, but the critters didn't attack the roots as I feared they would.  The plant looks strong and healthy.  Two of the roses the Kids transplanted from their yard into the Pig Garden didn't make it, but the other three (including a new one) are thriving.

A good portion of yesterday was spent with Ralph and/or Celeste on my lap, I was that glad to have them safe and sound and in the house.  I was so afraid I'd never feel Ralph's gentle touch on my shoulder while at the computer, and there he was again this morning.  Sometimes he wants to climb over to my lap while I'm at the computer, and sometimes he just touches me lightly to remind me he's there.

Sunset last evening was stunning, another award winner.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

What a happy and colorful blog. I love it. Your roses are gorgeous, as was the sunset, and I am smiling about Ralph and Celeste!