Monday, March 20, 2017

Operator Error

I'm hoping Linda was the only one who caught my goof yesterday and found a single-sentence entry for The View.  In case there were others who might think I'd slipped a cog I'll explain.

The morning routine is this:  wake up and get up at o'dark-thirty, turn on the computer, make my way out to the hall and try not to step on cats on the way to the kitchen.  Ralph has a habit of running ahead and flinging himself to the floor like a speed bump.  In the kitchen, load the coffee maker.  Nothing happens until the coffee gets started.  Check the food dishes and fill as needed.  Bess has her own routine for the day.  Every day.  One milk bone for openers and then she stands in front of the treat drawer, waiting for one bacon-cheese chip, followed by one crunchy I-don't-know-what-they-are.  Dave gave her a package once and they became her favorite so I keep a supply on hand.  By this time, the coffee is ready.  I pour my one cup for the day and take it back to the bedroom where the only light is that of the monitor.  Log into The View and try to compose my thoughts.  Note:  no coffee intake at this point.  Yesterday I began to write, didn't like it, but in changing the title evidently hit Enter instead of Delete and it posted, hence the one-sentence entry.  Note to self:  don't attempt to write until the coffee kicks in.

That was about as much excitement as one person can handle.  The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Linda must have been up early!! I didn't sleep in, but had company so didn't read the blog until much later and it was fleshed out :-) And my dad taught me to "stoke" the coffee pot the night before so the first one up hit the on switch and the bitter black stuff started flowing soon!!! He was the coffee drinker, but my guests enjoyed the easy of their first cup on Sunday! Have a swig on me :-)