Sunday, August 19, 2018

And Then There Were Two

All the way down to the barn yesterday I kept saying, "Please don't be dead.  Please don't be dead," but she was.  Good old girl.  While it's hard to be happy, I'm glad that Inga did not linger and suffer in her last days.  I called Beau, who was on the road traveling somewhere, but he suggested calling the boys.  I hadn't considered them, thinking they were too young to deal with the situation.  However, I called their mom, who said she'd send them down.  Their father soon arrived with Kid and Brother.  Dad supervised and lent some muscle when required, but the Dynamic Duo soon had taken care of the job.  I just stayed out of their way.  They left with my effusive thanks and a little extra pay for coming in an emergency.

"And Then There Were None," is one of my all-time favorite films, made from an Agatha Christie novel, and the original movie is the best.  1945, starring Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, and Louis Hayward, it is a mystery that can still keep me enthralled.  The title comes from an 1868 nursery rhyme in which, for one reason or another, ten little Indians go one by one until there were none.  I wonder if Sheila and Tessie will miss Inga as much as I.

If I were going to rob a bank, now would be the time.  The finger joint that was stabbed by the wasp is so swollen that the fingerprint is obliterated.  It's a good thing I have no criminal tendencies.

Bedtime for the girls was a lonely business last evening.  And then there were two.


Emmy said...

Sorry to hear about Ingre..sounds like she went painlessly..but still is every loss...animal or human...but many good memories.

Kathryn Williams said...

Awww, I'm so sorry BUT so, so glad that she got to be peaceful in her own room, and not in a strange (at dark) and potentially scary place. At least your dear goats get to live out their whole lives in your compassionate care. Bless you both!