Monday, August 20, 2018

Me And My Gal

"For Me And My Gal," 1917 song, 1942 movie with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly.

Bessie Anne and I are never far apart.  She's okay with it if I go to the store or leave for the day, knowing that, as I always tell her, "I'll be back."  She follows me from room to room throughout the day.  Even when she's sound asleep behind Stove, if I get up, say, to go to the bathroom, she quietly appears in the doorway.  Once in awhile, if she's particularly tired, she'll stay behind if I go out to tend the goats, but not often.  All this being said, yesterday morning we went out together.  With just the two girls now, barn chores didn't take long and I was back in the house in no time.  After a short while, Bess had still not come to the door.  Hmmm, wonder what she's doing.  I waited a little Bess.  After the event of the day before, this was a bit worrisome, and I went out to look for my companion.  Whew!  There she was in the front yard, patiently waiting and watching for me to come out of the barn.  She's almost totally deaf and half blind, so didn't hear me come up behind her and was surprised at my touch.  "Oh, there you are!  How did you do that?"  We went back in the house together.

In the afternoon, Helper Dude came to give Bessie a pedicure.  It's not her favorite procedure, but she does like the attention and the treats that come with it.  After he'd finished, we all went out to the porch to enjoy the bit of breeze that had sprung up and talk.  Dude started working odd jobs here when he was fifteen.  He's twenty now and is in the process of application for the El Dorado County Sheriff's Department for next year when he's twenty-one.  How time does fly.

Bess and I put the girls to bed last evening and came back in together.  She's lying with her head on my foot right now.  She's my Gal.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Nothin' like a special gal. I'm ready for one emotionally but this is a year of some traveling so I shall wait a while.