Sunday, August 26, 2018

Party Animals

Ralph and Celeste are definitely party animals as evidenced by the confetti strewn throughout the living room.  They use that box from the new vacuum as a hangout and tear up the cardboard floor to toss around like a New Orleans Mardi Gras parade.  (I'd take it away from them, but they're having such a good time.)  I think Ralph may have overdone it a bit yesterday.

I wish I could have gotten a picture of Celeste and Bessie Anne together yesterday, but the action was too fast.  They were looking out the front door when a lizard crawled across the screen on the outside in front of them.  I won't say that Lizard was deliberately taunting them, but it would go up the screen, Celeste would leap at it.  Lizard would go down and to the side and Bessie would bonk with her nose.  Celeste made several attempts and then Bess shouldered the cat aside, "I got this!"  Lizard finally got tired of the game and went on about his business.  Sometimes it's like living in a live-action cartoon.

I've been watching the news morning and night, following the track of Hurricane Lane toward Hawaii.  Larry assured me daily that he was okay, and I was ever so grateful that Lane veered away before doing damage to Oahu.  The flooding on the island of Hawaii was devastating, and Maui got hit pretty hard.

It would seem churlish to complain about the smoke when we've been spared the fire, but after so many weeks of breathing it in, the lungs are feeling raspy.  It was particularly bad again yesterday.  The bottom edge of the setting sun was obscured, not by the horizon, but by the thick bank of smoke hanging over the valley.

The sun isn't up yet this morning and the kids are sleeping, undoubtedly resting up so they can party on today.  Wahoo!

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