Monday, August 6, 2018

Another Day

Well, so what, Scarlett?  It was another day of smoke, although not as hot as it could have been.  The coffee table remains shoved aside, although I did get more dusting done.  It was a good day (and excuse) to watch NASCAR.

The best, most reliable, indication that the shed rats have moved on was finding six (6) mice in the birdseed barrel yesterday morning.  Evidently the smaller kids will not coexist with their larger cousins.  I hadn't seen mice in there at all when the big kids were in residence.  I have to admit to prejudice.  It could be because mice are just there for the food and are not at all as destructive as the rats, but I think mice are cute and rats are just plain repulsive.  Because Thing and his ilk were constantly chewing through the plastic barrel of chicken scratch out in the feed barn, I had bought a metal trash can hoping to thwart the marauders.  It was working.  I had just filled it again when the predator killed all the chickens.  I have promised Cam the scratch for her chickens, but neither of us can lift the can alone and, with her surgery, we can't even lift it together.  The plan is to ask Beau (or the first strong male to appear) to haul the barrel down to Camille's, hopefully for the price of a cold beer.  Whenever that occurs, I'll bring the metal can up to the shed for the birdseed and hopefully that will cause the mice to relocate.

After the race, Bess and I took a ride down to the feed store.  Yes, I needed to restock the goat chow, but truthfully it was to enjoy the A/C.

Guess what, it's another day.

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