Friday, August 17, 2018

Dear Hearts

After a couple of welcome half-bottle days, yesterday we were back to a full spray bottle to try to cool down.  I'm only good for a couple of chores a day when it gets hot.  I've invited Camille for dinner tonight.  One, for her company and, two, as an incentive to get the vacuuming done.  I am definitely one of those carrot-and-stick people...look at all was accomplished before the fellas came up.

I never know where the coin is going to drop in the jukebox in my mind.  Get a few years under your belt and the choices are infinite.  Last evening I had a chance to catch up with a cousin up in Eureka.  I haven't seen her for years, but the woman never changes.  Whenever we speak, I hear "Dear Hearts and Gentle People," a song from 1949 sung by Bob Crosby, brother to Bing.  I remember her mother and sister, and that apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Every family has one, that Kid who can't have a picture taken without making a silly face.  Larry, the son in Hawaii, recently posted a photo, once again sticking out his tongue.  I dug through my archives and was able to retaliate with this picture of Ruth.  Perfect!

I don't know what got into Bess this morning.  What with age and heat, she's been pretty sedentary lately.  After going out to go potty, I heard her come back and go running (running!!) around the deck for a couple of laps.  Now she's sound asleep behind my chair, undoubtedly exhausted.

The sunset wasn't necessarily spectacular last evening, but the blue sky was.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

SOUNDS like a good day. Hope you got your vacuuming finished and had a nice dinner with Cam, whom I am hoping is recovering nicely!