Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Deja Vu

Some things keep happening.  As Yogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all over again."  Yesterday there were seven mice in the barrel, but help is on the way (more about that later).  I tipped the little twerps out and sent them on their way.

Inga is still not coming in for breakfast, and she is getting bony.  In some of the buried treasure I found the other day, there was a spread sheet I'd made of when the girls were born and the kids they'd had.  Inga is fifteen years old, at the far end of a goat's lifespan.  Over time, I've seen that the old girls get a certain look in their eyes, a kind of disinterest in this world, and Inga has that faraway stare.  Every time I go outside now I count heads in the pen, and she is the first thing I look for in the barn.  So far, so good.  I just hope, when the time comes, that she goes quickly.

Even though it seemed like I'd done it just a few days ago (and I know it wasn't), I had to go into town again.  The last stop was at Wally World.  Admittedly, I am not a fashion-conscience woman, more interested in comfort than style, and bibbies are my uniform of the day.  I can't count the number of times that someone, man or woman, will pass by in the aisle and say, "I really like your overalls," and sometimes we have a conversation.  Yesterday it happened again.  It was the lady standing behind me in the checkout line.  "I came here from Montana and Wyoming, and your overalls remind me of home."  I mentioned I started wearing bibbies when I got milk goats.  "Oh, you have goats!  I used to have a goat.  I just love goats!"  Bibbies may not be haute couture, but they definitely are clothing of interest.

I got a text from Dave in the afternoon, saying that he and some of the members of the Freed Spirits are coming up on Saturday to help with chores here if that was okay.  Okay?!  I was jumping up and down!  They've come up before and they're like a swarm of worker bees.  All I've needed to do was supervise, pointing out what needed to be done, and sometimes I didn't even need to do that.  I let Camille know that the fellas would be bringing the chicken feed down on Saturday.  Didn't I say I needed a strong male?  Their time is such a gift, and their company is pure pleasure.  It's a good thing I stocked up on beer yesterday (they work cheap).

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So happy for you that the gang of worker bees is coming up, and how fun that the bibbies are what cause nice conversation!