Monday, August 27, 2018

Good Job

"Our work here is done."  Last week there were at least fifty to sixty vultures in the tree and on the ground in the pen.  The cleanup committee (and committee is the term for a group of vultures on the ground) had been called to order.  I'll have to admit it was a rather macabre sight when so many were perched silent and still on the branches of the bare tree like Halloween decorations.  The whump-whump of their wings when they took to the air as I approached was awesome.  That's about the only sound vultures make, as they lack developed vocal cords.  Yesterday there were only the five or six regulars still hanging around in the tree.  It had taken these impressive birds about four days to completely dispose of Inga's remains.  She continued to serve in death as she had in life.  Good job all around.

Wow!  What a difference in just one day.  Goes to show what happens when a good strong delta wind blows through.  It was grand to hear the leaves rustling in the oaks again.

Bess asked to go outside very, very early this morning.  The full moon was so bright that I didn't need to turn on the porch light for her.  She came in and promptly went back to sleep.  I didn't.  I see a nap in my future today.

It was a good day.

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