Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Cool Down

Michael set us a brisk pace yesterday, possibly because it was so much cooler on our walks, morning and evening.  With all this property, I feel bad about keeping him on a leash and so let him choose his spots to piddle, sniff, and look around.  I'm certainly in no hurry and I think it gives him a sense of autonomy.  He is usually content to walk at my slow pace.  Yesterday he was, as my dad (a WWI soldier) would have said, "picking 'em up and laying 'em down."  Before our daily exercise, I never could have kept up.  I won't say I wasn't huffing and puffing, but I made it.  Michael is a therapy dog in more ways than one.

Instead of sitting in a puddle of sweat as I had been, the weather inspired me to take care of a couple of household chores that have been hanging fire, and I feel better for it.  By evening, my summertime tank top was almost too cool.  At bedtime, I put the blanket back on the bed.  The animals also felt the change.  Michael, who has been keeping his distance at night, curled up right next to me, and the cats, who have pretty much slept elsewhere in the house, assumed their customary places on and around my feet.  It's a good thing I do not toss and turn at night or I'd be flinging critters everywhere.

"They" say we're not done with the heat just yet, but this cooling-off period sure is welcome.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Wow, it looks like next Monday you will get a preview of some fall weather. At this point it says rain and a high of 60 and a low of 43...but that will probably not be exact as it gets closer...but you can hope!!