Monday, September 9, 2019

Identity Crisis

In a household of females, Ralph has never had a male role model to emulate.  With the arrival of Michael, that has changed.  It took two weeks before Ralph would come out of his room when Michael came, but when he did, not only did they accept each other, they became best buddies.  Ralph will bonk noses with Michael as he walks by, and the dog has agreed to lie down and be a hurdle as Ralph races around the house at top speed.  They're an unlikely couple; I'm just glad they get along.

The thing is, as Michael has gradually warmed to me, he now voluntarily comes to me for a butt scrub and then flops over for a belly rub.  It's become a ritual.  Evidently Ralph has been watching, because now he will come to lie on my lap, but now he also rolls over and waits for his belly rub.  Cats, in my experience, do not like their stomach touched.  Is it a simple case of jealousy, or does Ralph now think that is what boys are supposed to do?  Regardless, I am happy to comply.  It's a good thing Michael doesn't bark.  I can't imagine how Ralph would copy that.

Clint Bowyer came in fifth at Indianapolis yesterday.  That at least gives him enough points to run in the play offs.  I turned on the last quarter of the Pittsburgh-New England game, score 3-33.  Appalled, I did not watch to see the Steelers' final humiliation.

We barely got into the 70s yesterday (yay!) and down into the 50s last night.  Let's just say the bed was crowded again, and Ralph snuggled in the cat cave as he used to.  I just hope Michael doesn't decide he can do cat things.  One identity crisis in the house is enough.

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