Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pig O' The Day

There are dozens of plush stuffed pink pigs all around the house.  Those on the floor are there courtesy of Ralph and Celeste, but there are pigs on shelves, atop book cases, and darn near anywhere and everywhere a pig will fit.  I believe this particular pig was meant to be a child's pillow.  He's pretty big and so he hangs out on the couch.  The thing about this guy is that he is so soft.  His plush is unlike any other, silky to the touch.  No one, man or woman, can sit next to him and not pet him.  Inevitably he ends up on a lap.  (I promise I'm not going to introduce the entire litter of pigs and piglets, in case anyone was worried.)

Michael can't seem to stop himself from taking off.  He did it again yesterday while I was feeding the others.  I would hate not to let him run free up here for awhile as I'm doing chores, but it worries me so when he's down on the road.  He does come back, which is a good thing, and now he knows he's done a bad thing because he slinks into the house and keeps a very low profile for a time.  I wish I knew how to stop him, since he has no self-control.

It's nothing new to hear an owl before dawn, but this morning he or she was right outside the kitchen windows, and loud.  Even the cats noticed and got up on the sills to listen.  I've read that hooting is a way to stake out a territory.  If so, there's a new kid in town.

PS:  We are in fire season.  PG&E keeps sending out notices that they may shut off power for as long as five days in high danger areas (how's that for a day late and a dollar short?).  This is just to let you know in case the blog doesn't appear one morning.

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