Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Big Reveal

Introducing Ozzy Jack!  This photo of Larry and his son was taken on the first day Larry was finally able to hold him.  Such a tiny little mite, but to all accounts, Ozzy is a fighter.  He's out of the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) now and gaining weight.  Born at just over 3-1/2 pounds, he wasn't as big as a sack of sugar.  Admittedly, Larry is a big guy, but one of his hands looks as large as this baby.  Mama is doing well, too, and looking forward to the day they can bring Ozzy home.

If you're like me, a one day on-one day off sort of person, I highly recommend doing housework on a Friday so you can take Saturday off to watch cooking shows without a guilt overload.  I call it research.

About six o'clock last evening I got a text from Deb saying they were getting pouring rain with lots of thunder and lightning down in the valley, followed by a report of hail.  I figured I'd better take Michael for his walk before the storm moved up here, as they usually do.  There weren't even that many clouds overhead, but that dark patch to the right was in Deb and Craig's direction.  I don't usually watch the evening news, but turned it on when we got back to the house and found out they were in the path of a possible tornado!  Oh crum!  Later, Deb said the hail had punched holes in the cover of their little pool and decimated, if not destroyed, the flower and vegetable gardens that they had worked so hard on.  We've had hail up here before, but nothing ever like that.  About nine o'clock the rain and wind hit here, but it was short-lived and did no damage.  Whew.  And they say there is no climate change.  Tell that to Deb and Craig.

The sky, what I can see of it, looks clear this morning.  One can hope.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh yay for lil fighter, Ozzy Jack. So glad he is progressing so nicely!!! And sorry about Deb and Craig's garden! Sheesh!