Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How's That Working?

It's been ages since I've seen Missy, but there she was in the barn yesterday.  I wonder where she goes when she's not here.

Taking my cue from the weather, it was back to a tee-shirt instead of a tank top, and a jacket felt good in the evening, as does a robe this morning.  Nature is a quick-change artist and I just try to keep up.

As the saying goes, don't go looking for trouble, it will find you on its own.  I had been so embarrassed when Go-To Guy had come and there was no problem with the water, but relieved, all the same.  With the increase in home insurance looming, I didn't need another bill.  The project for the day yesterday was to get a start on deep cleaning the kitchen.  Yeah, how's that going?  I turned on the water...nothing.  Repeat.  Again, nothing.  On the third try, the faucet acted like nothing had happened and water gushed forth.  Reluctantly, I put in another call to GT, saying that I hadn't gone dotty, there really was a problem and explained the situation.  He said, "It's the pressure switch.  I can fix that."  Even if it's erratic, as long as I can get water it isn't an emergency and GT can fit me in as his schedule permits, good guy that he is.

It being trash day, toward evening I put my stuff in the truck and opened the door for Michael.  That doggone dog took off the other way and hightailed it down the driveway.  Ratchafratch!  I waited...and waited.  It was getting dark.  When he finally came home, this time I roared at him.  He tucked his guilty tail between his legs and couldn't wait to get in the house.  No ride in the truck, no walkies.  He was in deep doodah and knew it.  He hid out in the bedroom for the rest of the night.  I doubt if it cured his wanderlust, but it was a reaction he hadn't expected.  Maybe it worked.  Try explaining to a dog that it's for his own good.

It was an eventful day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I'm GLAD he knew that you were mad at him. Hmmm...wonder if he is a quick study if he has disappointed you?