Thursday, September 12, 2019

Where Were You?

Li'l Miss was waiting for breakfast again.  It's always such a nice surprise to see her.  She is always so appreciative, and waits to be petted while she eats.  She is still tiny, about the size of Ralph and Celeste when they came here as older kittens.

As Yogi Berra would say, it was deja vu all over again, because, having put in a call to Go-To, there were no problems with the water yesterday.  Most of my day was spent cleaning in the kitchen and I needed that water.  There are yards of countertop and, like the rest of the house, dust is the big problem in there.  I didn't get it all done, but made a good start and that will be the incentive to finish the job.

Go-To and Mrs. GT came in late afternoon.  Mrs. had not yet met Michael, and he made another conquest while GT worked his magic on the pressure pump.  I like that GT makes me his last stop of his work day so they had time to sit and visit.  (They live very close by.)  It being September 11, of course the conversation got around to, "Where were you?"  We each knew exactly.  In my case, I had just come back from making an early morning delivery of transcription.  Steve came out of the house and said, "We're at war!"  I asked with whom, and he said, "Here, in America!"  (I can't help the way my mind works, and I thought, "My God, they said the South would rise again, but I never thought they'd do it.")  I know I cried for two solid weeks watching the total devastation.  Then we went on to, "Where were you when the Kennedys were shot?"  Those terrible days are indelibly printed on our minds.

I didn't have to ask Michael, "Where were you?" because we took our evening walk with his leash in hand.

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