Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Good Timing

The deed is done.  The trip to town, that is.  The mowing still awaits (it's like an albatross hovering over my head).  My penchant for procrastination (as well as alliteration) paid off.  After telling myself most of the day to just go and get it over with, we didn't get moving until well into the afternoon.  That turned out to be a good thing.  We were past the time of the blinding strobe-light effect, and it seemed most of the people who had to get to town were already there.  It's such a pleasant drive when there are few to no cars on the road.

At our first stop, Michael was ecstatic.  He visited all of his favorite plants, bushes, and trees.  "Hi!  I'm back!  Did you miss me?"  He danced the Michael hula as he tried to decide which leg to hike.  Flowers sprinkled him with petals.  I plan extra time for these trips, just for him.

On we went for a hit-and-run spree at WallyWorld.  For Michael, it's like stepping into the show ring.  He draws compliments from young, old, and everyone in between, which he takes as his rightful due like royalty.  I didn't buy much, but almost everything was heavy (it is a big-box store, after all).  When I asked for assistance, the cashier waved me down to another section where some young men were waiting.  One actually rushed ahead of the others.  "Oh, what breed is he?"  I stood there like chopped liver as he gushed over Michael.  "He's gorgeous!  I have two dogs.  I just love dogs."  "Let me push the cart for you.  I think there's another dog outside.  You wait while I check."  Our protector came back and gave us the all clear.  I heard all about his dogs on the way to the truck, where he quickly unloaded the cart so he'd have more time to pet and give butt scrubs to Michael.  "Oh, you just made my day!"  No wonder Michael likes to go to town.

Our not-so-quick trip gave us the opportunity to miss all of the getting-off-work traffic and the drive home was every bit as nice and calm as the way in.  A magnolia tree by the road was covered in dinner-plate sized blossoms...beautiful.  Our timing was good for a change and, I'll admit it, not bad at all.

Stay safe.  Be well.