Friday, July 17, 2020

All Clear

Always good to get the "all clear" notice from doctors, and I got another one yesterday...won't have to see either of my guys for six months.  That'll be in January, and I'm hoping 2021 will be a better year for the world (and me).

Nice drive on the way to town, and then I got to town.  Diamond Springs is a little bitty town, one main drag and that's about it.  When they're doing road work on one of the two lanes, traffic comes to a grinding halt.  There must have been fifty cars in each direction waiting for the go ahead.  I didn't know there were that many people in the whole area!  I hope the feeling of power the flagman has doesn't go to his head.  I made my appointment with two minutes to spare.

Michael is becoming quite the social butterfly.  He greets everyone he meets now with smiles and wags and gets, "Oh, aren't you cute!" in return.  It's nice to see his personality blossom.  There was even a man clear across the parking lot who yelled, "What kind of dog is that?  He's beautiful!"  Remembering his manners, he lay quietly in the office.  I hope all this adulation doesn't go to his head.

We were on the last stretch of dirt road on the way home when a three-point buck (six-point in Texas, you know how they are), his antlers still covered in velvet, bounded across in front of us.  No danger, since you can't drive over five mph on that section.  Just lovely to see.

The mimosa (Persian silk tree) is in bloom.  This tree is a tribute to Steve's determination.  He was told he couldn't raise one from seed.  We brought it up in a pot from the valley, put it in the ground, and it thrived.

It was a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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