Saturday, July 18, 2020

One A Day

Every day starts with good intentions and big plans.  Yeah, how's that workin' for ya?  It could be that there is so much to do that it's overwhelming, just plain laziness, lack of willpower...take your pick.  All I know is that I'm good for one chore done, maybe one-and-a-half on a good day.

So much of my mail is advertisements, sales promotions, just plain garbage, that I have a tendency to put it down and ignore it.  Yesterday's task was to go through the current stack (I won't say how high it was) and weed out the important from the trash.  It's amazing what I discovered.  Hmmm, probably should have opened that...and that...and that, too.  Oh well.  I have to be careful to look at every envelope before pitching because I grab any piece of paper close at hand to jot down phone numbers (must remember to add a name) or notes.  I ended up with half a sack of trash.  There's another pile in the kitchen, but that's a chore for another day.

We may be getting close to the end of Michael's shedding for the season.  Our daily brushing only yields a brush worth of fluff now.  He looks quite sleek and I'm sure he feels better.  In winter, his official vest fits quite snugly over all that fur, now it slips and slides around with his summer do.

I haven't decided yet what the task of the day will be.  There's no sense making a list because I can count on only one a day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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