Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Changing Times

Five-thirty a.m. and it's barely light out.  Daylight Saving time won't end until November, but the sun doesn't look at the calendar.  Nature goes on about her business without regard for we silly humans.

Bob Dylan had it right in 1964 when he wrote "The Times They Are a-Changin'," but I don't think he could possibly have anticipated what is happening in the world right now.  The Coronavirus is bringing out the best and worst in us, the populace as well as government.  Unbelievable acts of kindness and heroism contrasted with hatred and divisiveness.  Sometimes I feel we are stuck in a real-life "Lord Of The Flies" (1954, William Golding).  So many deaths that there are mass graves and refrigerated trucks used as temporary morgues.  It's enough to make you weep.  I've had to wean myself away from watching so much news.  Depression was getting the better of me.

What I have been watching are several series with Lucy Worley on the Queens of England.  They are marvelous historical productions...intelligent writing, elaborate costumes, her tongue-in-cheek humor, and so informative.  They've been a great antidote.

Heat or no heat, yesterday I actually got some things done for a change.  Not enough, of course, but something was better than nothing, and I was tired of sitting on my duff all day, spray bottle at the ready.

Six-thirty and the sun isn't up yet...maybe another hour to enjoy before the heat lands like a ton of bricks.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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