Monday, July 13, 2020

Strange Stuff

Cue the music for The Twilight Zone.  There were certainly some odd happenings yesterday, beginning and ending with the computer.  My morning routine rarely changes, beginning always with turning on the computer when I roll out of bed and letting it warm up while I make coffee.  Yeah, well.  The box hummed, the lights flashed...and the screen remained as black as the inside of Moby Dick's belly.  I went through all of the diagnostics I know how to do:  turn off and on, check all wiring sites, unplug and replug, etc., etc.  Nothing.  The computer continued to show me a blank eye.  Well, that was a fine how-do-you-do.  So much for my morning routine.  It being Sunday, I couldn't even call for help.

NASCAR, horse racing, old movies, and naps filled the day.  Heat seems to affect me more as the years roll on, and yesterday we hovered near the 100s.  Not as bad as Phoenix, but still.

In the late evening, my cellphone sent a message that my Google account had been approached from an unknown source and advised changing my password.  Oh good grief, now what?!  I did as instructed, and then started fretting that maybe the message was, in itself, a breach.  'Hacker' being the word of the day, who do you trust?

This morning, Computer behaved as if nothing had happened, Google confirmed my new password, and, at least for the time being, all is right in my world.  I'm still hearing theme music, but I'll take what I get and be glad that I got it.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

That is SOOO odd about the computer, but glad it just had the 24 hour flu!!!