Monday, July 27, 2020

Shop 'Til You Drop

I think I've made it pretty clear that shopping is not my favorite, probably least favorite, thing to do.  That being said, sometimes there's nothing for it but to bite the bullet and do the deed, and yesterday was the day.  It was a must-do or the cats would have gone on strike.  They were down to crumbles in their bowl and the bag was empty.  It wouldn't have been pretty.  Having put off such an ordeal for the better part of a month, there were things I needed, too, especially in the canned goods department.  It must have been my 'robust' physique that influenced the checker because she loaded my purchases into two bags.  Appearances are deceptive;  I'm at that stage in life where I ask for and need help loading groceries into the truck.  A genial young gal was volunteered, and out we went.  When she lifted the first bag, she grunted and said, "My gosh, that's heavy!  What was she thinking?  Wait right here," and off she went, coming back with a handful of bags.  On her own, she dispersed the goods into what turned out to be five manageable sacks.  As I told her, there are nice people in the world and she was one of them, and gave her a 'gold star' for kindness.

George is another kind soul.  He stopped by briefly to drop off another box of peaches, big, ripe, juicy peaches, and said he'd be back soon for a proper visit.

I got the groceries into the house and the frozen goods put away, and then dropped into my chair exhausted.  The canned stuff could wait, I could not.

It looks like the eye of the hurricane is going to miss Oahu.  Larry said there were strong winds, but they were okay.  Whew!

I've got to feed the cats now.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So glad you are back in the saddle!!! Welcome back.