Saturday, July 25, 2020

Where To Begin

TWTWTW...That Was The Week That Was (satirical British comedy show, 1962-63).

I won't say it was comedic, but it's been quite a week.  The computer monitor went kerphlooey again.  I went and bought a new one, brought it home and found that there was no receptacle that would receive the cord.  Hmmm.  That meant hauling computer and monitor into town to the shop.  Turned out that I had fallen into alphabet-soup hell.  I have a VGA computer and the cord was for an HDMI (whatever).  It was a simple-enough fix, just get a new cord.  Ta da.  I wasn't up for hauling the equipment back into the house for a couple of days, and then a couple more to work up to the task of rehooking all those wires up again, which I did this morning.  Evidently I did something right, because everything seems to be working.  Fingers crossed.

After a spell of truly lovely weather, the heat has returned.  Oh goody.  Candy came and gave me a Judi Dench haircut on the porch.  It's the next best thing to a buzz cut, but it is so much cooler and I'm not waking up to a bad-hair day every day.  I'm grateful.

One day I noticed a quail sitting lookout on a post in the front yard.  That was unusual in itself, but then a babysitter went by on the driveway in front of the house, herding a choo-choo train of babies.  They've never come so close before.  What a delight!

My totem has returned to the chair on the porch.  He's growing.  There is a praying mantis on the screen this morning.  I would advise her to avoid the lizard.

We came close to tragedy and I didn't even know it.  The cats find hidey holes to sleep in during the heat of the day so it was nothing new that I hadn't seen Ralph for a bit.  It was fortunate (for a change) that I had fallen asleep in the chair.  I was awakened by two cats threatening each other on the front porch.  I got up to scare them off, turned on the light, and was shocked and stunned to see that one was Ralph, the other being Missy.  He dashed in when I opened the door.  Holy cow!  How did he get out?!  And when?  After checking all the doors and windows, I could only conclude that he'd snuck out when I took Michael for his last walk of the day.  He'd been out for hours!  We had a long talk about that.

I appreciate the calls and texts from those who missed the daily blogs.  I'm fine, and don't plan to be absent again.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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