Thursday, July 9, 2020

On The Outs

All is well.  Sheila was out and about yesterday.  I can assume that she and Tessie had had a falling out.  Hey, it happens in the best of families.  I'm glad they made peace and was very happy to see them together.  Living with pets and livestock through the years, one learns that death is inevitable, but it's never easy.  Unfortunately, there is a reminder of Lonesome Lulu in the front yard.  Before I could dispose of her remains, a predator got to her and efficiently plucked all but the wing feathers.  It looks like a snowstorm hit the yard.  If it wasn't fire season, I'd mow and be done with it.  As it is, there's Lulu every day on our walks.

We're heading into another week of high temperatures.  At least it cools off at night, and I'm grateful for that.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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