Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Our last walk of the day has been getting shorter because of the heat.  In the morning, we go all the way around the drive, but in the evening Michael has enough piddle places in the junipers and we only walk as far as the picnic table in the shade and both sit to enjoy whatever breeze there might be.  Yesterday afternoon we were sitting together, Michael sniffing for smells and watching for movement when one of those gawdawful stinging insects buzzed by.  Whatever trauma he suffered in the past from one of these bugs definitely made an impression.  He jumped to his feet, looked at me and said, "Okay, that's it!  We've got to go and we've got to go now!"  He led the way and we hotfooted it back to the house.  I don't know if there's a correct term, but when it comes to stingers, Michael is a scaredy-dog.

When I was in town during the computer/monitor debacle, I picked up a miniature whiteboard, less than the size of a regular sheet of paper, to keep by my chair.  It has turned out to be a boon, taking the place of all those tiny scraps of paper and empty envelopes for making notes, lists, and phone numbers.  I also write a (brief) list of daily chores.  It's more of an impetus when I see it right there in black and white, and very satisfying to wipe them off.  Not much got erased yesterday...going shopping will do that to me.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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