Sunday, July 5, 2020

Independence Day

Yesterday was saved from being a dud holiday by a visit from George.  He is such a simpatico guy and our conversations are varied and wide ranging.  In addition to other goodies, he brought me packages of hot dogs, so even dinner last night was Fourth of July worthy.

George always brings treats for Michael, too.  Yesterday's offering was chunks broken off large, "big dog" milk bones.   Michael ate one piece in our company and then asked to go back in the house.  He was making little worried sounds and I was somewhat concerned.  I found out the reason later in the evening when I heard crunching sounds.  It seems Michael had carried one of the pieces into the house to hide somewhere for a late-night snack.  I've never known a dog with such self-constraint.

Last night was blessedly peaceful.  No sounds of fireworks going off nor the resulting sound of sirens as there have been in years past.  I watched A Capitol Fourth on TV.  There has never been such an ongoing, hour-long, spectacular fireworks display.  I did miss Gary Sinise and the introduction of American military heroes, but it was a most satisfying Independence Day celebration in the nation's capitol.  No crowds necessary.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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