Saturday, July 11, 2020

That's Done

Two down, one to go, and I'll be done with all this doctor business for a while.  For someone who saw a physician maybe once every ten years, this has been a journey down the rabbit hole.  To think it all started with a lump the size of a pea.  Yesterday I got a six-month all clear from the oncologist, the 'big gun' in this ongoing production.  Good news, for sure.

Deer were abounding and a-bounding in the yard when I got home.  There haven't been so many lately, so it was a nice surprise.  Hardly a day goes by that there aren't postings on FB of sightings of bears and mountain lions in the area.  I'll settle for the deer.

I hope Missy has found herself a cool spot to hang out in.  She hasn't been around much in the daytime, although I can tell from her bowl that she comes to eat in the evening.  I did see her yesterday.  With a regular diet, she's really filling out and is no longer the scrawny little barn cat as she was.

Michael has learned that "I'll be back" means I'm leaving without him and he hardly lifts his head, although he much prefers "Want to go for a ride?"  It pleases me no end that he gets excited when I come home.  I'd like to think he misses me.  I know I sure miss him.

It's been awhile since I've added a photo of the sunset.  This wasn't the most spectacular, but it has more color than the blazing blue sky of late.  Those aren't dark clouds overhead, just encroaching darkness.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Glad to know you got good news, and I'm SURE Michael misses you...and probably instinctively knows that you would rather take him with you than leave him at home!!