Sunday, August 12, 2018


It became clear to me yesterday that the remedy for my procrastination is pressure, pressure and panic.  After a week of dawdling, even with reasonable excuses, it was coming down to the wire and I fired the afterburners.  Not knowing exactly when the guys would get here, I started knocking down the to-do list and just kept going and was fairly well happy with the results.

Two trucks and four guys drove in about 11:30.  I was surprised that the Freed Spirits hadn't ridden their motorcycles, and then noticed that both trucks were fully loaded with rounds of firewood.  Wow!  Dave, Jester, Stick, and a new guy, John (he hasn't been around long enough to be given a club name yet) climbed out with smiles, hugs, and even more goodies.  When these guys give you a gift, that is with a capital G.  It isn't enough that they gave the Gift of their time and effort, they also brought their own drinks and all the fixings for lunch.  After a short break, these worker bees started in, not only on the chores I'd hoped to have help with, but a team started splitting those rounds.  New clotheslines got put up, the chimney was swept, the gutters were cleaned, the woodpile was stacked high, omigosh, and I don't know what else.  There was a bit of a break in that there was little to no smoke in the air, but it was in the 90s, hot by anyone's standards, and still they just kept going.

Dave brought everything, including marinated chicken and beef and condiments, for fajitas.  My only contribution to the day was prepping the vegetables and cooking.  (I didn't even have to go shopping!)  That, and making sure everyone stayed hydrated.

The fellas were more than ready for a leisurely late lunch in the only room with A/C.  It's always good to spend time with Bammer (Dave) and Jester.  I haven't seen Stick in years, and it was nice to get acquainted with John.  Without going into details, John presented me with a Ray's Warriors bracelet which I consider an honor.

The guys had worked so hard all day that I suggested they call it quits after lunch.  They had accomplished mountains of work.  There's no way I could fully express my gratitude.

It was a great day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh that just WARMS MY HEART!!!! What giving fellows, and how wonderful of Dave to organize it!