Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Halfway House

It is said that "half a slice is better than none" (unless it is a slice of lemon meringue pie, in which case I want the whole dang thing!).  I'm hoping that half a house vacuumed will pass for the time being.  At least I think I've avoided having a "This property is condemned" sign posted by getting the living room spiffed up.  I might have gone further, but the vacuum rebelled, overheated, and quit on me.  I left the cantankerous critter in the dining room to contemplate its failings and get an idea of what's ahead.

The year is a little more than halfway over.  Autumn begins in a couple of days.  The weather this summer has been so unusual.  I'm reminded of the 1921 song, :"Ain't We Got Fun?"  "The rich get rich and the poor get poorer," but in this case, it is "the hot gets hotter and the cool gets cooler."  As sweltering as some weeks have been, we've had a number of breaks in which, like yesterday, it barely got up to 80.  I'll take it!  The nights lately have been blessedly cool.  If I needed any proof, the cats are once again lying on my feet or cuddled up close in bed.  The air quality has vastly improved.  Even Bessie Anne was affected when the smoke was bad and developed a cough that is now easing up.

As far as the year goes, we've touched third and we're headed toward home.  Hopefully we'll get enough rain that I can complain about that.  I need some new material.


Emmy said...

I think of these late August days as. "My kind of Day"... remember that song ?
Dark, but signs of light in the east.. coffee, crossword, your blog, and a few notes to friends
And easy pleasant way to start the day.
I imagine Bessie is enjoying cooler days, too.

Emmy said...

That should say MY TIME OF DAY...but meaning is clear.